Story of Buah Persik Batu (Stone Peach) - A Folklore Tales From Bangka #1

Bangka Island
During the days of yore, in the northern part of the island of Bangka, there was a kingdom led by a wise king. People prospered; they never lacked anything. In the dry season, they never lacked water and food supplies. Yields kept in their barns could provide them enough supplies/food until the drought was over.
Penyusuk Beach, a piece of Bangka

King had the only son named Adira. The king's son was very well known for his good looks. Many royal princesses to lure Prince Adira. But Prince Adira did not want to be bothered. "They (royal princesses) will be bored with themself", thought Prince Adira. That's what made the King very sad, because Adira did not have a wife yet, whereas the king would appoint him as the successor. 

One day, the King fell sick. Physicians from all over the kingdom has come, but none of them could cure the king. Until finally there was an old woman of unknown origin came to the King. The old woman said that there was only one drug that can treat the King named Buah Persik Batu. But the fruit was hard to find. The fruit was grown only in the dense forests in the Mount Maras. Additionally, it should also be found within 3 days, otherwise the fruit usefullness would be lost.

Mount Maras, Bangka (courtesy:
Prince Adira immediately decided to look for the fruit. At first, the Queen (her mother) did not allow the Prince to go looking for the fruit, she was worry something happened on her son. Prince Adira has no experiences to wander in the woods. But the Prince continued to urge her mother until he was allowed to seek the fruit in the jungle.

Two days passed, the prince had not yet found the forest the old woman meant. He went Mount Maras up, and cross the river Perimping. Finally he arrived at a very dense forest. Because of exhausted, the Prince decided to take a rest and sleep under a shady and leafy tree.

To be continued

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