Story of Buah Persik Batu (Stone Peach) - A Folklore Tales From Bangka #2

Shortly thereafter, he woke up and fell hungry. He then looked for edible fruit. Eventually he found three Buah Persiks. He was very wondered, and though "was it Buah Persik Batu?". He was hesitant to take the ordinary fruit, it was mediocre and no privileges.

Next, Prince Adira took the fruit and looked for a place to eat, he took a place near a lake, named Lake Siring. He took one of three fruits. But something strange happened when he opened the first fruit, suddenly thick smoke came from inside the fruit, and then the smoke became thinner and thinner. So, the smoke transformed a beautiful woman. She was very thirsty, she asked for a sip of water. But Adira did not listen because he was stunned by her good looks and charm. Finally the woman died from drowning and lost with the fruit. Adira was deeply regretted what he had done.

Mount Maras, Riau Silip, Bangka Island (wisatasumatera)
When Prince Adira opened the second fruit and the previous event happened. A more beautiful woman appeared from the second fruit, and Prince Adira had not met the woman demand, therefore the woman died. Prince Adira was extremely blamed hisself. Prince Adira very sad, he promised that if there was a third woman he would not let the woman die.

As soon as he opened the third fruit, in front of him was appearing a beautiful woman. Prince Adira was stunned to see the beauty of the woman. But he soon realized, and without being asked, she took the water from the lake to her, the woman was not died, she was rescued with the help of Prince Adira.

River and The Bridge Primping Today 
"Hi handsome young man, I am a nymph who was cursed by a witch" the woman said. "I will be free if any people want to get me some water. It has been years I was inside the Buah Persik Batu". Hearing the the woman said, Prince Adira was very surprised and happy that he finally found the fruits that he was looking for. Prince Adira told his journey looking for the fruits. After heard it, she picked some Buah persik Batu and give them to Prince Adira.

Arriving at the palace, Prince Adira has been awaited by the people, the soldiers, and especially the Queen (his mother). Prince was soon giving a Buah Persik Batu in the royal physician. The physician immediately concocted a Buah persik batu to a cure for the king. After a few days of taking the herbs peaches, the King began recovery.

To be Continued

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